Manny Brar


A determined data analytics professional, with a genuine passion for finding meaningful value within data and building efficient data infrastructure.


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Real-Time News Sentiment Analysis Pipeline on GCP

With all the negativity in news headlines recently, it can be a real strain on mental health when you are constantly bombarded with negative news articles and headlines. This project was intended to assist, when you just need a break from negative news articles and want to filter news by positive, neutral or negative sentiment. This was the problem I wanted to create a solution for and by developing a pipeline that performs real-time sentiment analysis on news articles and allows for the user to filter results based on positive or negative sentiment of each article.

Real-Time News Sentiment Analysis

Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree Projects with AWS, Spark & Airflow

This is a collection of projects that were part of the Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree program. These projects are completed in relation to a mock start-up called ‘Sparkify’. Sparkify is a music streaming application that wants to start analyzing their songs, song plays and user data. So using modern data engineering tools I built 4 projects to assist Sparkify in accomplishing it’s goals.

Data Engineering Nanodegree Projects

Time Series Profit Forecasting Models with GCP

The objective of this project is to determine the ‘health’ of all 3 product categories in this dataset. We want to understand and capture trends & seasonality, but also predict profits for each category for the next couple years. While doing so, I will explore some of the best models and statistical methods to work with and make predictions with time-series data.

Sales Profit Forecasting with GCP

Web Scraping F1 Race Results and Exploring Snowflake

I completed all the web scraping and data cleaning utilizing python and BeautifulSoup within the Jupyter environment and saved the final dataframe as a csv file in a S3 bucket. Next, I connected to the S3 bucket with a Snowflake data warehouse created a database and tables. I utilized SQL to create some visualizations within the Snowflake environment. Finally, I connected my data warehouse to Tableau and created a simple dashboard of my analysis and exploration to be able to visualize my findings in more depth.

Web Scraping F1 Race results and exploring Snowflake

San Francisco Bike Share Rental Demographics Dashboard with Tableau

Who are the customers? Which Stations are the busiest? What days have the most rentals? These are the question I was trying to address when exploring the bike share dataset.

Bike Share Dashboard Exploring Rental Demographics with Tableau